• Lent

    Day by Day

    According to the calendar, we are just over halfway through Lent as observed through our Lenten Art Calendar reflections and art tiles.  We are exploring six qualities of an active spiritual life: Faith, Order, Creativity, Health, Connection and Contribution.  Today’s tile…

  • Lent

    Turn Aside

    It was a hot afternoon in late June and the wind was blowing a bit. The three of us (husband, daughter and I) had opted for a hike up Tumbledown Mountain in Maine’s Western Mountains.  Even though the trail was rated…

  • Lent

    Wishbones and Backbones

    The key note speaker at an early childhood leadership event was well-known for her dynamic presentations.  She stood before the crowd of over 300 women and men from around the country, most of whom were experienced administrators and leaders themselves.  We…

  • Lent

    Family Trees

    It was late one evening in my once-a-week graduate class with the lofty name of Family Systems. We were talking about family trees, but not the kind that genealogists draw as they trace the generations through the years.  We were talking…