• Lent

    The Fabric of Kindness

    I could hardly wait to walk into the school room that day, the last day of second grade, my small hands clutching a cellophane wrapped corsage for my teacher.  Would she remember?  Would she have it on? Mrs. Porter stepped from…

  • Lent

    Thriller, Filler, Spiller

    The garden stores are bursting with plants—and customers.  Count me among the people who are answering the “call of the wild”…flowers, that is.  The soil around my house is not extremely plant-friendly, and along with the dozens of deer who graze…

  • Lent,  Uncategorized

    Slow to Grow

    It was already an active, noisy, and remarkable day in the British Territory of Gibraltar and it was barely 2 p.m.  I rode the funicular to the top of the famous rock and spent a fascinating time exploring the Great Siege…

  • Lent

    Pencils in the Trees

    Poet and naturalist Mary Oliver developed a lifelong passion to write about the mystical relationship between people and nature.   As she walked daily among the trees near her New England home, her creative mind whirred with ideas and half-formed lines of…