• Awareness

    A Person Who Watches Birds

    Below the rough-barked ashe juniper’s branches that spread over my rocky patio, bird feeders, seed cylinders, thistle sock, and birdbath stand ready each morning to welcome the avian harbingers of autumn.   That old tree resides just across the barbed wire boundary…

  • Lent

    Victor or Victim?

    I will write each day about some aspect of Holy week, according to the Scriptural references that record Jesus’ last days on earth.   I will not interpret Jesus’s thoughts and action but will instead take the point of view of an…

  • Lent

    He Did What He Could

    I will write each day about some aspect of Holy week, according to the Scriptural references that record Jesus’ last days on earth.   I will not interpret Jesus’s thoughts and action but will instead take the point of view of an…