This Present Little Instant
I’ve never been particularly good at living in the moment. In fact, I’ve been downright disdainful and judgmental of those who do. Oh sure, living in the moment is all right for babies and puppies, but real women constantly look to…
Hugging Trees… Mesquite Trees That Is
Last week’s Earth Day marked the 50th anniversary of the day when millions of people joined together to focus attention on environmental issues. Though sometimes associated with radical ideas, for the most part Earth Day remains an occasion for peaceful events…
A Plum-Tinged Hope
Down the slope a little way from the house, not far from the gravel driveway, two plum trees are loaded with fruit. Their branches are bending low with the bounty of dozens and dozens of red-violet beauties. The plums are slightly…
A Sunrise Service
The sky is heavy with clouds and a light rain is falling. Just moments ago, a spectacular thunderstorm rumbled through the county bringing lightening and brisk winds. The skies are just beginning to lighten the slightest bit as I pull my…