The Bad Guitarist
Once upon a time, the casserole dishes were covered in foil, the 8 X 10 tables were stacked, and the remains of a fellowship dinner were cleared away. Guys were arranging folding chairs in a semi-circle in the multipurpose room. Kids…
Chaos Theory?
My office is covered, you might even say littered, with papers, books open to post-it marked pages, stacks of folders and jotted ideas pinned to one of three bulletin boards. My computer screen has 6 windows open as I toggle back…
Three Wings
I discovered the wise and saintly woman, Hildegard of Bingen, by accident while reading about women whom history has labeled “polymaths”– people with a wide range of interests and curious minds whose skills cross academic and social boundaries. Polymaths’ lives, historically…
Begin to Weave
The sight below me was amazing. I was on a stair railing looking down on a factory floor that stretched out for a city block. The city was Edinburgh, Scotland and I was touring the Tartan Weaving Mill. Below me, dozens…