• Lent

    Green River/Green Life

    The Chicago River is officially green, flowing with colored dye, a strange tradition if ever I’ve heard one. Shamrocks are adorning lapels, pots of gold are showing up at doorsteps, and bars are planning for busy nights.  Somewhere I’m sure party…

  • Lent

    The Shelburne Birches

    Driving through the evergreen forests of New Hampshire on an afternoon in early spring, we were wrapped in a green blanket.  Thick stands of evergreens- spruce, fir, hemlock, and pine– lined both roadsides of Route 2, the highway that spans that…

  • Lent

    Dutch Treat

    On the road that joins Wilton and Farmington Maine off to the right on the top of a small hill, there is a startling sight. It’s a building made to resemble a Dutch windmill. The white sails are made of wood,…

  • Lent

    The Bad Guitarist

    Once upon a time, the casserole dishes were covered in foil, the 8 X 10 tables were stacked, and the remains of a fellowship dinner were cleared away.  Guys were arranging folding chairs in a semi-circle in the multipurpose room. Kids…