
Three Wings

I discovered the wise and saintly woman, Hildegard of Bingen, by accident while reading about women whom history has labeled “polymaths”–  people with a wide range of interests and curious minds whose skills cross academic and social boundaries. Polymaths’ lives, historically and currently, impact the world in a positive way.  Hildegard directed a religious order in the 12th century in what is now Germany.  She was a healer, poet, musician, scientist, leader, and spiritual mentor.  Nowadays we would call her an “influencer” as she freely shared her illuminated manuscripts, her poetry, her healing concoctions, and most of all, her vibrant faith. This is not, however, a thumbnail sketch of a medieval woman who deserves more space in our history books.  Rather it is a story of a vibrant faith captured in the words that Hildegard penned centuries ago. She often described God’s vital Spirit by using the word Sophia, the Greek word for wisdom.  I love this name for the aspect of God that illuminates our minds and souls with insight and inspiration.  We often pray to God for Wisdom, for God is wisdom itself.  I love this image of God’s three wings surrounding us, and liken them to the Biblical image of the everlasting arms.  I share these life-giving words of faith as experienced by a wise woman from long ago.  Enjoy.

To Sophia

You soar, sustain, and animate,

Climb, dive, and sing

Your way through this world,

giving life to every beating heart.

You never end.

You keep on circling, crossing over us

On three wings—

One speeds through heaven,

One holds the earth together with a kiss as light as dew,

And One whooshes over, under and through our lives.

We praise you, Oh Wisdom.

Sustaining animating, climbing, diving, singing, speeding, holding, whooshing… Oh what a glorious word-picture of a dynamic God, God who has been our ultimate “influencer” since ancient times. God who still whooshes through our lives.

Today’s tile is one that I place in the corner of my calendar each and every month.   I look at the blue and green background and my soul stills.  I see the three wings and inspiration soars.  I read the words and connect to God’s Spirit of wisdom.

Climb, Dive, Sing, Hold, Sustain? How might God’s Spirit influence you today?

Bless the Spirit that swells and spills out and holds the earth together, lightly, strongly, eternally. Amen.

The eternal God is a dwelling place

And underneath are the everlasting arms.  Deuteronomy 33:27

One Comment

  • Nita Gilger

    What a life-giving, glorious view of God’s everlasting love and care for us. Just beautiful! Thank you!

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