Day by Day
According to the calendar, we are just over halfway through Lent as observed through our Lenten Art Calendar reflections and art tiles. We are exploring six qualities of an active spiritual life: Faith, Order, Creativity, Health, Connection and Contribution. Today’s tile is a mini calendar with a small gold circle marking March 26th, which is the 22nd day of our Lenten journey.

So far, we have shared reflections and art on ashes and storage containers, trees and more trees, emotions and music, saints and scriptures, flamenco dancers, dreamers, weavers… with the aim of enlarging and enriching our spiritual quests.
I’m also posting a picture of what our art calendar looks like to date, with the tiles in order from Ash Wednesday through today.

I am excited about the next 18 days’ posts, which will begin on Monday, March 28th. In the next few weeks, we will encounter gardens and whirlwinds, poetry and parables, philosophers and balloons… I pray these reflections will stimulate and inspire us as we continue our Lenten journey.