• Empowerment,  Nourishment


    The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea.  Isak Dinesen I clipped this quote out of a magazine I was flipping through while taking a break from my writing yesterday.  For a dedicated salt-lover, it caught my…

  • Awareness,  Nourishment


    Peachy-Keen…an old expression from the 1950s.  It has fallen out of use, like so many of the slang phrases that each generation creates.  I have a vague memory of a bobby-sox clad teen from an old movie saying it, and I…

  • Nourishment,  Uncategorized

    Girasole: Sunflower

    As I finished the last few pages of a humorous/serious memoir about a man who dramatically changed his lifestyle and location from a high-speed Los Angelino to a Tuscan, I was caught up in his description of the beautiful sunflowers that…

  • Nourishment

    Bread and Porridge

    As a child, I had a very old book of stories that was handed down from my family, the cover of which was shaped like the trunk of a tall and narrow tree, The Tall Book of Nursery Tales1.  Inside were…